Arundel Castle

The 12th Century

In the 12th Century, King Henry II built most of the oldest part of the stone castle, and in 1155 he confirmed William d'Albini II as the Earl of Arundel. He even comfirmed him Earl with the Honour and Castle of Arundel. Also, in the 12th Century they added many things to the castle. The battlemented shell-keep that was built on the motte was added to. They made the walls 9ft thick, and supported it externally with flat buttresses. This made the keep a very safe and ideal place when under seige. Also, in the begining of the 12th Century, the entrance to the keep was arched and ornamented with Norman mouldings; however, late in the 12th Century, the arched entrance was blocked up and replaced by a "strong gate-tower." Also, the curtain walls round the baileys were added.